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Test your app

This article provides you with a comprehensive guide to Testing Your App ensuring seamless App integration.

Updated over 12 months ago

At this phase, you’re responsible for going through all the taken APIs and testing each endpoint from your side on your development store.

Prepare your test

1. Install your App in your development store.

  1. Go to My apps section in your dashboard

  2. Click on edit your App

  3. Go to Application Details

  4. Click on Install on my development store button

2. Access your development store

  1. Visit

  2. Enter the development store login credentials (Email and password).

3. Activate payment

  • Bank transfer

    • Add Bank account "make sure to add accurate account information.

  • Cash On Delivery "COD"

    • To activate COD you need to add or activate a shipping option

    • Activate cash on delivery

  • ZidPay

    • Fill in the needed information with demo data and submit your request

    • Contact our team in chat support to activate approval.

4. Create Demo Data

You are publishing a new application and you want to test it, but you still don't have any data to use in checking how your application functions. This will guide you on how to create demo data for testing.

    • Click Products from the navigation menu (Merchant Dashboard).

    • Click the import products button to bulk upload a list of products to your store, or click the Add new Product button to use the UI form to add a new product.

    • Click customers from the navigation menu (Merchant Dashboard).

    • Click on Add new customer

    • Click on Orders then click Create New Order button.

    • Fill in all required information to be able to place an order.

Start your test

To reach successful testing results, follow the below Scenarios according to the category of your application.

  • Access Your App

    • Shipping app

      • Create inventory address

        • Go to Settings> Inventory Addresses

        • Add 2 New Addresses. Note that, You have to choose an address that is supported in your shipping App, and select in Option"Delivery from"

      • Go to shipping options

      • Your App will appear there

    • Other system

      • Scroll down to Your store private applications section

      • Your App will appear

Apply Testing Scenarios

Below you can find the needed and important scenarios to be tested in your App with the expected results.

For the Shipping & Fulfillment Apps there are clear standard listed scenarios MUST to be met in your App testing. However, for other systems such as, Accounting, ERP, Loyality etc... you'll need to test the main features and services.

Shipping Only App

Start your test by applying the following scenarios:



1. Activate the App from shipping options

OAuth cycle should appear and the app should be activated

2. Create a new order with a Bank transfer payment method

The order shouldn't be sent to your system once the order is placed with a "new" status.

3. Update the created order status from zid to "Ready" select the first inventory address, and choose the number of boxes in the shipment= 4

AWB & Tracking URL sent and appeared in the order page after Order is in "ready" status. Note that: AWB must contain 4 waybills = Number of boxes

4. Bank transfer payment and selected pickup address is reflected in AWB

The price in AWB should be 0. Pickup address should match the selected one

5. Update the order status from your system to "in delivery, delivered and canceled"

Order status is reflected in the zid.

6. Create a new order with (Cash On Delivery payment method, add a different receiver with different information, choose the 2nd pickup address)

Order price appears in AWB, AWB should include the receiver information "not customer", Pickup address should be the 2nd selected pickup address.

Shipping and fulfillment App

Start your test by applying the following scenarios:



  1. Activate the App from shipping options

OAuth cycle should appear and the app should be activated

2. Create a new order with a Bank transfer payment method

The order should be sent to your system once the order is placed with "new" status.

3. Update the created order status from your system to "Preparation In Progress" then "Ready" and select the first inventory address, and choose the number of boxes in the shipment= 4

AWB & Tracking URL sent and appeared in the order page after the Order is in "ready" status. Note that: AWB must contain 4 waybills = Number of boxes

4. Bank transfer payment and selected pickup address is reflected in AWB

The price in AWB should be 0. Pickup address should match the selected one

5. Update the order status from your system to "in delivery, delivered, and canceled"

Order status is reflected in the zid.

6. Create a new order with (Cash On Delivery payment method, add a different receiver with different information, choose the 2nd pickup address)

Order price appears in AWB, AWB should include the receiver information "not the customer", Pickup address should be the 2nd selected pickup address.

7. Sync products ( All product information)

The main product should appear in your system

8. Sync the child products ( All product information)

The child product should appear in the your system.

9. Sync the product quantity ( All product information)

The quantity of the product in your system should match the quantity in Zid.

10. Sync the new added child products

The newly added product in Zid should be sent to your system.

11. Sync of the new added standalone products

The newly added product in Zid should be sent to your system.

12. Deactivate auto-dispatching of orders from Zid store

Any new order shouldn't be reflected to your system.

13. Deactivate auto-syncing of products

Any new product shouldn't be reflected to your system.

Other solutions

The below tips need to be considered before starting testing.

  1. App Activation should start from Zid App Market

  2. OAuth Cycle should appear

  3. Plans Subscription should be added

For a better Merchant Experience: create an account for the merchant using our APIs and don't let them create one, as all the information you need could be retrieved by our APIs. Next step is to send the password to his email.



1. Activate the App from Zid App Market

OAuth Cycle should appear and App is Activate

2. Subscribe with a plan

Plan information synced in your system

3. Walk through the main features and scenarios in Your App

All scenarios, features, and services are synced between Zid and Partner System.

Once you are confident about your integration, make sure to apply all Publishing requirements. Note that: This phase is only for Public Apps, that will be published and used by all stores in Zid.

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