The following requirements are checked by Zid App Market team to review all apps, All partners must adhere to these guidelines. Non-compliance will result in content rejection or app removal. Review carefully before submission your app.
General Mandatory requirements for all apps:
App Name:
app name is the most important part of how you brand yourself to merchants, and how they refer to your app. Follow these requirements when deciding on an app name:App name must be between 3 and 24 characters
App name shouldn't contain the word “Zid”
App name must be entered in English and Arabic with the correct translation
App categorization
By carefully categorizing your app, you ensure it is listed under the most relevant category. This helps merchants find apps that directly meet their specific needs. Proper categorization also minimizes the risk of merchants activating the app by mistake, thinking it serves a different purpose. choose the category that best describes your apps' core functionality. You can add another category if your app has other core functionality that isn't described by the first category.
App introduction
The Application description field gives you 4000 characters to explain your app's purpose and the main benefit to merchants. The app introduction appears as prominently displayed text on Zid App Market , Follow these guidelines when writing your app introduction will positively affect the app activations :Highlight the benefits that merchants can expect from your app. For example, "[App Name] makes personalized advertising campaigns simple, and helps you find new customers."
Focus on functional elements of your app in your app details, and avoid excessive marketing language.
Don't use personal merchant information without consent from the merchant.
Don't include data or statistics. Feel free to share this information on your website and landing pages.
List Any important factors that merchants need to be aware of before activating the app, for example: if the app is valid only for merchants in specific countries or if the app is only compliment with particular themes
App description must be entered in English and Arabic in the partner dashboard with the correct translation
App description must contain activation steps in details
Bold the headers in the app details and highlight important points as well
Short Description
Use Keywords of your app features in a short description so your app will be easily shown when merchants search for specific keywords in the search bar in the merchant dashboard as attached App short description must be entered in English and Arabic in the partner dashboard with the correct translation
Developed by
Application developer’s name: must contain the name of the company that developed the app
Application Video:
it is a very important part pf app details attach a YouTube video URL about how to activate the app or a promotional video highlighting app features, the video must be :embed video We accept only embed Youtube video URLs with this format:
make the video less than from 5 to 12 minutes
Applications pictures and screenshots (in Arabic):
It is a required part of the app-creating process please ensure the following:Images are clear.
Images shouldn’t be blurry or cluttered.
Crop out desktop backgrounds and browser windows so that screenshots are focused on your app’s functionality.
Avoid adding annotations, such as arrows directly onto images.
Don’t use Zid logo in your app images
Please note that The minimum is 1 picture and the maximum is 10 pictures.
Don’t use backgrounds with bold patterns or intricate textures. Instead, opt for one or two solid colors.
Make your image simple. An image should have a single point of focus.
Application Icon:
Icons help merchants recognize and identify your application. it is the most important part of your app, having a clear and memorable design ensures that your application is easily distinguishable and leaves a lasting impression When making your app icon, follow these guidelines:
The maximum dimensions for the icon are 250 pixels in width and 250 pixels in height. Aim to upload an icon size that is close to these specified dimensions.
Icon width to height ratio: 1 : 1
To describe how merchants will be charged for using your app:Enter the length of the free trial period for each of your pricing plans, after which you will begin to charge for the app. If the free trial length is 0 days, then charges begin immediately.
Ensure the trial duration you select allows merchants sufficient time to explore and evaluate your app.
Ensure each feature is entered on a separate line without any bullet points or special characters at the beginning. Bullet points will automatically be added when the feature list is displayed on the app page
Clearly and honestly explain plan features, as we handle and log any complaints from the merchant for plans that have not supported the listed features
Plans will be displayed from lowest price to highest price on your app page in Zid App Market, regardless of the order in which you specify the plans
Requirements may change as we improve the the Zid App Market and partner dashboard. Your app must comply with any updates. The Zid App Market Review team may reject apps that don't meet the standards.